Tuesday, November 9, 2021

THE ILLEGAL PREMEDITATED LIEN faked, threatened, then filed TO ENSURE the JUSTICE they Want in a Criminal Case. Adam P. Karp, Sara Penhallegon, Center Valley Animal Rescue, Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy.

 Does Your Jefferson County Prosecutor James Kennedy NOT Know that it is a CRIME to Use Civil Courts to attempt to Control Outcomes in Criminal Cases?

It is NOT legal to use a lien statute set up, a premeditated one at that, to ENSURE the outcome YOU WANT in a Criminal CASE. Yet James Kennedy blatantly says it as if it is Legal and Just how things are.

On top of all the premeditated lien evidence such as the CVAR Lynch Mob Thread of May 12th 2019, Animal Attorney Adam Karp giving CVAR the lien statute, and the email from Prosecutor Julie St. Marie to Sara Penhallegon, director of CVAR suggesting a lien, well we have Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy saying that he does not represent CVAR however he wants the court to give Moses to CVAR, court says we are not holding Moses, we released him to Michael Long ago, the City of Port Townsend Law Enforcement is holding Moses.

Prosecutor James Kennedy says that CVAR only used the statute, filed the lien, in case there was no criminal conviction.

PROOF clear as day that CVAR used a Lien to tie up Evidence in a criminal case, in some sort of vigilante justice in case the court did not rule the way they wanted. You could be their next victim.

Here is James Kennedy, your Prosecuting Attorney, admitting to Judge Mindy Walker that he knows what CVAR was up to all along and they only have the lien case in Civil Court in case Michael Allmain was NOT charged in Criminal Court. This is Fraud on the Court, I Allege. This is Abuse of Process. Taking Justie into your Own Hands regardless of what the Judge Says. Abuse of Process, Fraud on the Courts. Theft of a Valuable Wolf Dog and Emotional Support Animal.

8-12-2021 Prosecutor Kennedy Puts on the RECORD that, Center Valley Animal Rescue, CVAR Used the threat of a lien and then a declaratory judgment THEN an Actually Lien to ENSURE the JUSTICE they personally wanted in a Jefferson County Criminal Case.

Watch the Video Court Transcript Below, as you hear Prosecutor James Kennedy Say “In Case this Criminal Case did NOT Result in a Conviction”.

I Allege this is a CRIME in an of Itself. And will be putting it in my bar complaint, my non-profit complaint, and complaints to the attorney general and other agencies. To ME this is NOT OK, nor LEGAL.

Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy ADMITS that the Court, a Judge in a Criminal Case RELEASED the Evidence, Moses, Michael Allmain’s Dog, on 3-12-2021.

EVEN though a JUDGE Ruled MOSES Goes Back to MICHAEL and made Michael pay for future vet care, several large bags of dog food, a place to live and more hoops and he complied with them ALL. the City of Port Townsend Law Enforcement DEFIED a Judicial Order, along with the assistance of Prosecutor Melissa Pleimann, Prosecutor Julie St. Marie and Prosecutor James Kennedy. AND REFUSED TO GIVE MICHAEL'S DOG BACK.

Their reason was the claim of a LIEN on Moses for CVAR’s forced Vet Car, and all the way back to May of 2019 when they had MOSES illegally, first 3 weeks $9000 Bill. Ended up around $25,000. The Lien did not Legally Exist at that time.

When the LAW Breaks the LAW, What Can You Do? For ONE, YOU can hold them accountable, fire them, get them out of office. And all we can do really is file complaints to agencies outside of the county in the state and federal governing bodies and “hope” that there is Accountability and Law Enforcement STOPS doing what was done to Michael Allmain.

Why Bother having a Judge Rule Anything when the Prosecutor will DEFY the Order and use the Jefferson County Law Enforcement to Do it. ALL a waste of your Tax Dollars, as the JUDGE rules MOSES back to MICHAEL and KING Ruler CVAR enabled by Jefferson County Law Enforcment and Prosecutor Defies the Court Order and KEEPS MOSES and Sues Michael for their Fees to keep his dog yet again ILLEGALLY.

Your Legal System Port Townsend, kept Michael’s Dog Moses at Center Valley Animal Rescue, even though a Port Townsend Judge ruled that Michael was in compliance with proving he could take care of Moses, and there was NO Lien In Place in March of 2021. None of that mattered, CVAR Kept Michael’s property against Court Order, claiming a lien in Civil Court that was not yet fled nor adjudicated, they did not even have a judgment yet at that time, still the Cops and the Prosecutors kept this man from his PROPERTY, his Emotional Support Dog and against a Judicial Order.

Also keep in mind, this was admitted in court by Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy when he said in the verdict finale and sentencing hearing of the Michael Allmain Criminal Case in July of 2021, on the record that CVAR only had the lien and stated that lien statute in order to use civil courts or even a civil court threat that had not actually happened yet, in order to influence the outcome of a criminal case. "In Case there was no Criminal Conviction" he said.

8-12-2021 Prosecutor Kennedy Puts on the RECORD CVAR Vigilante Justice, watch Video Court Transcript Below
“In Case this Criminal Case did NOT Result in a Conviction”

With Jefferson County Prosecutors assistance this enabled CVAR to ILLEGALLY, and against Court Order, keep Michael’s property and rack up more bills to later sue him on and finally win against Michael in the civil lien in October 2021 in Judge Keith Harpers Court, a Civil Proceeding across the Hall, months after the Final Verdict Day of August 12, 2021. And way past 3-12-2021 when the COURT, the Judge in the Case released Moses to his OWNER Michael Allmain.

CVAR kept Moses against a Court Order and to their own Unjust Enrichment and the massive mental anguish of their Victim, Michael Allmain.

Here is Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney James Kennedy telling Sara Penhallegon his restitution plan and in it, flat out admitting that Judge Mindy Harper released Moses to Michael 3-12-21, and they DEFIED a COURT Order. by Keeping Michaels Dog, his property, MOSES and racking up more bills to their Unjust Enrichment. This eMail is Dated August 13th, 2021.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Port Townsend Jefferson County Gives Legal Advise to Center Valley Animal Rescue Sara Penhallegon, tells her to File a Civil Lien Against Michael Allmain.

  MAY 20th, 2019. Jefferson County Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie tells Sara Penhallegon, Director of 501(3)(c) Non-Profit Center Valley Animal Rescue to File a Lien against Michael Allmain. More Evidence of Premeditating a Lien for Future Forced Vet Bills. Another words, to STEAL MICHAELS DOG through Abuse of Process and Fraud on the Courts. 

After harassing, stalking, threatening, bullying, following, reporting Michael for years, and finally letting his dog loose. They used the Lien through Civil Court, to tie the hands of the Criminal Court as Moses was Evidence held by the City of Port Townsend at Center Valley Animal Rescue in Quilcene and  to hold Michael[s property over a year from November 23, 2020 as an animal at large up until October 22nds 2021 when they got Moses FINALLY for good through Jefferson County Superior Court and a Civil Lien finally executing on their crimes. Your Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie was in on it for the Whole Time. the MOTIVE? Ask them, seems Emotional to Me and add in some criminal restitution, county and city paying invoices, and a bit of hey add CVAR to the county and city code. 


Adam P. Karp

Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie Port Townsend Jefferson County

  May 13th 2019. Hey Julie, says CVAR Sara here is the Lien Statute that Adam Karp gave us and Robert Looked up. Roady should be here until the owner can pay? Thing is Folks, Moses (Roady) was at CVAR illegally. Michael owed NOTHING for the Sheriff to hold his property, his emotional support dog hostage at CVAR in Quilcene against his will and his wishes. Michael had not contract with CVAR and NO CHOICE over the procedures they CRUELLY FORCED on Michael’s DOG. Then to charge him for it, for their illegal activity, WHAT?

Sanctimonious Sara says To Prosecuting Attorney Julie St. Marie,

Any way to transport Michael’s family, his life, his property back here to Nurse Rachet at Center Valley Animal Rescue? Read Below
